Tune in with Anetta Tiquila A.K.A Queen_I'm_Unique as she breaks down common sayings, quotes, ideas and song lyrics to analyze the ways in which they have shaped the world. Many episodes will end with a "script" being flipped using a 3, 2, 1 break down method. Also, in order to ENLIGHTEN listeners, Anetta covers important societal issues, controversy and dilemmas. Here is where she will give detailed commentary about social scripts that need to be flipped as well as unfair policies, laws and some of America's hidden agendas. As she finalizes her educational journey, she shares her acquired knowledge with her listeners. Join the community to leave comments, opinions on the show, or share your ideas on scripts that need to be flipped by clicking the link below: (press, hold, and when the link becomes highlighted, click, 'open') https://m.facebook.com/109353201742588/
"You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression"
According to Goffman, our sense-of-self is influenced mostly by how other's percieve us, and we are constantly changing roles to meet the standards of those we want to be accepted by
Here's a power point on Goffman's theory of dramaturgy
More information on Goffman's impression management
Hyperreality in sociology: The inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality. This concept was developed by French theorist Jean Baudrillard
A quote that captures the idea of impression management and dramaturgy is, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression"
In other words:
3- choose a role
2 - fit in
1 - conform
... Conform to societal standards, even if that means forfeiting your individuality - Not! We will not conform to other people's expectations anymore, will we?
What we should encourage instead is:
" Your true self is much more valuable than your first impression"
break it down!
3 - Always be authentic
2 - stand out
1 - LIVE!
L - let
I - individualism
V - validate
E - everyone
Live according to your own standards, and at the same time - be good to people, be honest, be kind and most importantly, be uniquely YOU!
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**Unedited and Raw**