"You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression"

Anetta Tiquila Season 1 Episode 13

According to Goffman, our sense-of-self is influenced mostly by how other's percieve us, and we are constantly changing roles to meet the standards of those we want to be accepted by

Here's a power point on Goffman's theory of dramaturgy

More information on Goffman's  impression management

Hyperreality in sociology: The inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality. This concept was developed by French theorist Jean Baudrillard 

A quote that captures the idea of impression management and dramaturgy is, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression"

In other words:

3- choose a role
2 - fit in
1 - conform

... Conform to societal standards, even if that means forfeiting your individuality - Not! We will not conform to other people's expectations anymore, will we?

What we should encourage instead is:

" Your true self is much more valuable than your first impression"

break it down!

3 - Always be authentic
2 - stand out
1 - LIVE!

L - let
I - individualism
V - validate 
E - everyone

Live according to your own standards, and at the same time - be good to people, be honest, be kind and most importantly, be uniquely YOU!

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**Unedited and Raw**

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