Tune in with Anetta Tiquila A.K.A Queen_I'm_Unique as she breaks down common sayings, quotes, ideas and song lyrics to analyze the ways in which they have shaped the world. Many episodes will end with a "script" being flipped using a 3, 2, 1 break down method. Also, in order to ENLIGHTEN listeners, Anetta covers important societal issues, controversy and dilemmas. Here is where she will give detailed commentary about social scripts that need to be flipped as well as unfair policies, laws and some of America's hidden agendas. As she finalizes her educational journey, she shares her acquired knowledge with her listeners. Join the community to leave comments, opinions on the show, or share your ideas on scripts that need to be flipped by clicking the link below: (press, hold, and when the link becomes highlighted, click, 'open') https://m.facebook.com/109353201742588/
Kill'em With Kindness
- Let's break that down:
The first and last words of this saying are so contradictory toward one another, that they should not be used in the same sentence. Just look at it for a moment so that you can get a clear visual of the misleading message attached to this narrative:
Kill them with kindness
In 3: Take their life
2: Kill them
1: Kill
Subliminal message: Kill their joy by showing them a false sense of kindness, acceptance and victory. Make them feel like you forgive them, but if ever you can get away with murder, you should actually KILL them.
Definition of kill:
1.Cause the death of (a person, animal, or other living thing).
2. Put an end to or cause the failure or defeat of (something).
Do you see the subliminal message here?
Flip the script on it!:
THRILL them with kindness
in 3: Model for them
2: Thrill them
3: Excel
Excel at being a strong, #great person. Be so genuine and authentic, that your kindness models the way a decent human should treat another human, make it feel so good, that it actually sends thrills down their spine
So, what would you prefer to do - Thrill, or kill? I only hope you will go with the former (Thrill)!
Definition of Thrill:
A sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure.
It is virtually impossible to be so kind to a person, that you kill them. But, you can be so kind to a person that you thrill them.
**Unedited and Raw**