Tune in with Anetta Tiquila A.K.A Queen_I'm_Unique as she breaks down common sayings, quotes, ideas and song lyrics to analyze the ways in which they have shaped the world. Many episodes will end with a "script" being flipped using a 3, 2, 1 break down method. Also, in order to ENLIGHTEN listeners, Anetta covers important societal issues, controversy and dilemmas. Here is where she will give detailed commentary about social scripts that need to be flipped as well as unfair policies, laws and some of America's hidden agendas. As she finalizes her educational journey, she shares her acquired knowledge with her listeners. Join the community to leave comments, opinions on the show, or share your ideas on scripts that need to be flipped by clicking the link below: (press, hold, and when the link becomes highlighted, click, 'open') https://m.facebook.com/109353201742588/
Stop Playing the Victim, They Say!
Three common statements people use when they want to escape accountability for their actions, words, influence, etc.
Here are some ways you can flip the script on people when they attempt to gaslight you in this manner:
** Look at their forehead when responding **
- Don't instantly react. Instead, take a moment to look at them in the eyes and ask, "Are you ok?"
- Remain calm and ask a follow up question such as, "Is there anything other non-valuable feedback you'd like to ask?" or say something like, "You must feel sorry for yourself very often."
- Ask, "are you sure about that?"
- Calmly ask, "Are you having a bad day?"
- Ask them a personal question to make them focus on themselves instead. For example, if someone tells you that you're always playing the victim, ask them "When you're expressing yourself about something, are YOU playing victim?"
- Calmly say to them, " I guess truth is hard to process for some people."
These are simply psychology tricks that will cause the person who is attempting to gaslight you, to question themselves instead. Even if their response to your reaction doesn't take place immediately; when they are alone, their lingering self-doubt will cause them to question their interaction and behavior with you for some time!
Remember, self-expression is key to healing, personal growth and confidence. In standing your ground against master manipulators, you will develop a superpower that will help you navigate life and life's challenges in a healthy, respectful manner.
Thanks for listening, and thanks for reading!
**Unedited and Raw**