Tune in with Anetta Tiquila A.K.A Queen_I'm_Unique as she breaks down common sayings, quotes, ideas and song lyrics to analyze the ways in which they have shaped the world. Many episodes will end with a "script" being flipped using a 3, 2, 1 break down method. Also, in order to ENLIGHTEN listeners, Anetta covers important societal issues, controversy and dilemmas. Here is where she will give detailed commentary about social scripts that need to be flipped as well as unfair policies, laws and some of America's hidden agendas. As she finalizes her educational journey, she shares her acquired knowledge with her listeners. Join the community to leave comments, opinions on the show, or share your ideas on scripts that need to be flipped by clicking the link below: (press, hold, and when the link becomes highlighted, click, 'open') https://m.facebook.com/109353201742588/
Just a Quick Word of Advice: Pay Attention to What They're Really Feeding You!
You heard it here first!
BS Sandwich Ingredients:
- Two to three slices of truth
- Toxic narratives
- Gossip
- Brain washing dogma
- Manipulative language
- Gas lighting verbiage
- Other forms of negativity
How most people make their BS sandwiches
Step 1: the hook - first/top slice of bread
Present a little bit of truth; this is how they pull you in. They'll start by saying something that may be common knowledge or a widely accepted theory in order to catch your attention. Here is where they hook you. Now that they have you hanging onto their every word, they'll start adding the "meat" to the sandwich.
Step 2: adding the "meat"
Suddenly they will start inserting the gossip, toxic narratives, brain washing dogma, manipulative language, gas lighting verbiage, and other forms of negative energy into what first appeared to be a wholesome, enlightening conversation.
Step 3: the last/bottom slice of bread
Here is where they may notice your face twitch, or the tone of your voice will soften in confusion. They'll pick up on both verbal and nonverbal body languages that tells them you may be questioning their speech, or the ideas they are setting forth. In fact, they may not notice anything at all, but due to the fact that they know you are otherwise an intelligent individual, they also know they have to recover from the BS they just served before you catch on.
So, they will revert back to positive language, start again with stating common knowledge or a widely accepted idea, or they may even start showering you with compliments, turning the now negative conversation on YOU. Please be aware that just like that first slice of bread, this last slice of bread is only being added as a distraction!
Please keep in mind that in some cases, a person might try to feed you a double-decker/big mac! This is when the BS they are serving is obviously so far-fetched, they have to add an extra slice of bread in between the "meat." They will do this so that the truth is buried so deeply in the bread that even when you notice it, it's virtually impossible to deny!
Please note that when you eat a BS sandwich, you yourself may officially become full of sh--. In this event, you may need to do a spiritual, mental and physical detox to restore your equilibrium.
This has been a public service announcement
**Unedited and Raw**